What is the order of interior decoration? Interior deco…

Many people pay attention to the choice of materials and prices when they are doing interior decoration. They want to be able to buy better materials and save some expenses, so that the links that really need attention are neglected. There will be many problems in the decoration, and ---MORE---

This entry was posted in 202405 on

Home decoration need to pay attention to what things se…

Home decoration is a big issue. Many customers in the home decor will ignore some minor issues. Especially if the renovation is already so difficult. So next Xiao Bian took everyone to talk about what needs to be noted in the home decor . Things to be aware of in home decorating are the following ---MORE---

This entry was posted in 202405 on

Application Research of Talc Powder in Paper Industry

Talc has chemical stability, low hardness, lubricity, lamellar structure, lipophilicity and hydrophobicity. These properties of talc in the paper industry can effectively improve the performance of paper. In China, more than 50% of talc production is used in the paper industry , and its uses mainly ---MORE---

This entry was posted in 202405 on

Swimming Pool Brick

Color: Wood Certification: ISO9001 Usage: Household, Interior Tiles, Commercial, Outdoor, Sports ---MORE---

This entry was posted in 202405 on