July 25 Guangzhou Construction Steel Market Price Quotes

Name of product specification Materials Steel factory / origin Price (yuan/ton) Than yesterday Compared to last week Than last month
Common line Φ6.5mm Q235 Handan Iron and Steel 3630 30 50 80
Common line Φ6.5mm Q235 Tang Gang 3630 30 50 80
altitude Φ6.5mm Q235 Handan Iron and Steel 3650 50 50 70
altitude Φ6.5mm Q235 Ping Gang 3650 50 50 70
altitude Φ6.5mm Q235 Guang Gang 3650 50 50 -10
Rebar Φ12mm HRB335 Ma Gang 3920 170 200 270
Rebar Φ14mm HRB335 Ma Gang 3850 130 150 220
Rebar Φ25mm HRB335 Ma Gang 3650 50 60 150
Rebar Φ12mm HRB335 Handan Iron and Steel 4000 50 180 180
Rebar Φ14mm HRB335 Handan Iron and Steel 3850 70 70 70
Rebar Φ25mm HRB335 Handan Iron and Steel 3680 20 70 150
Rebar Φ12mm HRB335 Guang Gang 3840 20 90 90
Rebar Φ14mm HRB335 Guang Gang 3770 20 40 40
Rebar Φ25mm HRB335 Guang Gang 3650 20 70 70
Rebar Φ12mm HRB335 Tang Gang 3920 170 200 270
Rebar Φ14mm HRB335 Tang Gang 3850 130 150 220
Rebar Φ25mm HRB335 Tang Gang 3650 50 60 150
Grade III rebar Φ12mm HRB400 Ma Gang 3890 0 130 130
Grade III rebar Φ14mm HRB400 Ma Gang 3870 0 140 140
Grade III rebar Φ25mm HRB400 Ma Gang 3730 0 80 130

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