Vehicle Rescue Techniques (Site Handling) Preface

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The road accident scene is a challenging environment even for the most experienced rescue workers. In order to obtain information, there is a need for safe and appropriate treatment and priority should be established during the initial stages of rescue.

People need to be constantly managed: Onlookers, passersby or other agencies who help with technical or medical rescue. As we describe, on-site security must be a priority. The flow of personnel and equipment and the setting up of cordon lines may delay the rescue.

Field commanders should give priority to the following points:

1. Parking for emergency vehicles

2, on-site safety

3, initial investigation

4. Establish a security cordon (inside and outside)

5. Organize personnel and equipment

6. Cooperation with other institutions

7, request other resources

This article belongs to holmatro and edited by China Rescue Equipment Network.

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