Abstract Awholecenturyofsparkle!FromornateEdwardianfiligreetobigrocks,howdiamondengagementringtre...
A whole century of sparkle! From ornate Edwardian filigree to big rocks, how diamond engagement ring trends have evolved over the last 100 years A whole century of shine. From the gorgeous Edwardian jewels to the oversized stones, what kind of centuries has the diamond engagement ring experienced?
The old slogan is 'a diamond is forever', but diamond engagement ring trends have obviously changed over the years.While the round diamond solitaire has 'always maintained the number one position' on the popularity charts, Mode.com notes that other styles have Come and gone over the past century, and the way rocks are showcased has shifted, too.
As the old saying goes, "Diamonds are long-lasting," but the trend of diamond engagement rings has indeed undergone many changes over the past few decades. On the popular list, the round single diamond has always occupied the first position. Mode.com (website) notes that other styles of diamonds have appeared in the past century, but they are not popular soon, and the way diamonds are displayed is different. History of bling: A new video takes a look back a century of diamond engagement ring trends, starting with the 1910s (pictured)
History of Jewelry: The video shows the changing trends in engagement diamond rings since the early 1980s. Times start changing: In the 1920s (pictured), there was a move toward Edwardian designs with ornate filigree metalwork.
The era of change: At the beginning of the 1920s, the trend began to turn to the design of the Edwardian era - gorgeous filigree metalwork.
Throwback: Lately, women who've been opting for vintage styles seek out 20s-style rings.
Retro: Later, the ladies who pursued the retro style began to wear the diamond ring of the style of the 1920s. Going Gatsby: By the '30s, geometric art deco rings were all the rage.
Jay: In the 1930s, geometric art decorative rings were all the rage. Buying up the bling In the '40s, diamonds slowly started to see a rise in popularity.
Since the massive acquisition of diamonds in the 1940s, diamonds have slowly become popular. By the '50s, women had growing more inspired by movie stars.
In the 1950s, inspired by screen stars, women became more inspirational. Shifting shapes: In the '60s, demand for fancy cut stones, like this emerald-cut style, grew.
Changing shape: In the 1960s, similar to the emerald cut style, the demand for fancy cuts continued to grow. Groovy glitz: In the '70s, yellow and rose gold became more popular than white gold and platinum.
Wonderful luxury: In the 1970s, gold and rose gold were more popular than platinum and platinum. Awesome: For the '80s look, women were back to round-cut stones, but baguette diamonds on the sides added flair.
Awesome: In the 80s ring, ladies began to pursue round diamonds, but the long trapezoidal diamonds next to them also added a lot of color. Glistening gems: According to Mode, radiant-cut stones became quite popular in the 1990s.
Glittering gemstones: According to the information on the Mode website, diamonds were still popular in the 1990s. In the 2000s, princess-cut stones became interested popular, and women opted for bands with more stones set into them.
At the beginning of the 21st century, the princess-cut diamonds are still very popular, and the ladies chose to set more diamonds on the wedding rings. Not just black and white: By the 2010s, colorful stones were seen as unique and glamorous.
Not just black and white: In the 1910s, colored diamonds were seen as unique and glamorous. More Than Natural Diamond: Greener and More Environmental Friendly - Advanced Synthetic Diamond in 2016 Will Get Glamorous.
Not just natural diamonds: In 2016, more environmentally-friendly, technologically-rich artificially cultivated diamonds began to be sought after.
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