In 2000, the State issued the "Standards for the Prevention of Radioactive Health of Building Materials", which redefined that building materials are divided into three categories: Class A products are not restricted in terms of production, marketing and use; Class B products are not used in buildings (such as houses, factories, Public housing, etc.), but can be used for structures (such as fences, gates, pavilions, pavilions, verandas, arches, patios, water towers, chimneys, poles, dykes, roads, Kamakura, etc.); Class C products must limit their sales. It can only be used for structures such as roadbeds, culverts, dams, seawalls and buried pipelines outside the residential area. In other words, B and C stone products are not used in the interior decoration of homes and offices.
The standards for the three types of stone in China, A, B and C are:
Class A is not higher than 70Bq; Class B is not higher than 90Bq; Class C is not higher than 100Bq.
China's A, B, C three types of stone are all in line with the standard stone, but the scope of use is different, can not be said in general terms B, C stone is radioactive stone.
Partial stone radioactive classification control standards and data (Bq/kg) sold in the market
Sample Name----- RA----- é’----- Potassium--- Category
Pearl flower -- 27.5 - - 82.2 - - 1326.0 -- Class A
Wanshanhong -- 28.0 -- 27.7 -- 1018.0 -- Class A
Malachite Green -- 27.5 -- 48.7 -- 1275.2 -- Class A
Indian Red -- 218.9 -- 280.1 --1238.0 -- Class C
51 red --247.6 -- 247.6 -- 1316.3 --B
Guilin Red -- 241.2 --246.9-- 1549.2 -- Class C
Luo Yuanhong -- 80.8 -- 96.4 -- 1446.0 -- Class A
石岛红-- 85.6 --182.0-- 1444.0 -- Class B
Maple Leaf Red -- 107.8 -- 108.6 -- 1260.3 -- Class B
General Red -- 11.4 -- 40.1 -- 1473.0 -- Class A
Du Fuhong -- 470.8 -- 910.4 --3054.7 -- More than Class C
Taishan Red -- 90 -- 83.2 --1104 -- Class A
é²é”¦èŠ± -- 119.5 -- 157.2 -- 1282 -- Class B
Cherry Blossom Red -- 104.7 -- 104.5 -- 1205.8 -- Class B
Chrysanthemum Yellow -- 12.5 -- 29.2 -- 1455 -- Class A
Malan Red -- 102.7 -- 189.5 -- 1196 -- Class B
South African Red -- 49.8 -- 142.6 -- 1328 -- Class B
Sambo Red -- 71.8-- 128 -- 1545 -- Class B
Jinanqing --- 5.5 -- 4.3 -- 131.1 -- Class A
Wen Dengbai -- 40.6 -- 21.1 -- 978 -- Class A
Five Lotus -- 145.5 -- 315.0 -- 1309 -- Class B
Rose Red -- 143.2 -- 182.5 -- 1310 -- Class B
Taishan Red -- 109.1 -- 173.8 -- 1338 -- Class B
Rhododendron Green -- 483.5 -- 792.6 -- 3313 -- More than Class C
Xili Red -- 92.3 -- 105.6 -- 1362 -- Class A
芩溪红-- 96.4 -- 109.5 -- 1273 -- Class B
Chuanhong -- 119 -- 184 -- 1395 -- Class B
Huidonghong -- 138.5 -- 175 -- 1468 -- Class B
Mountain Gorge Red -- 57.5 -- 208 -- 1400 -- Class B
Tiger Bay -- 71.0 -- 104 -- 1608 -- Class B
Lilac Violet -- 116 -- 110 -- 1619 -- Class B
Pink Post -- 147.5 -- 170.8 -- 1520 -- Class B
Ligang Red -- 132.8 --91.3 -- 1191 -- Class B
Silver Mirror,Silver Mirror Glass,Colored Silver Mirror,Double Silver Mirror