Recall number: 25 0787/10
Product Name: Gloves
Country notified: Germany
Product model: The black leather gloves, the model number is 150062, the barcode is 4022222500621, the size is S/M/XL.
Hazard: The product poses a chemical hazard because it releases 344 mg/kg of benzidine exceeding the permissible limit of 30 mg/kg and does not comply with REACH regulations.
Description: This black leather glove has a black lining.
Inform the State: The importer voluntarily recalls the product from the consumer.
Country of origin: China
The above information is provided by SGS Standard Technical Service Co., Ltd.
Ungrouped,High Quality Ungrouped,Ungrouped Details, Zhengzhou Zhulin Activated Carbon Development Co., Ltd.
NingXia GuangHua Cherishmet Activated Carbon Co., Ltd ,