Japan developed a new type of polyurethane that hardens in a magnetic field

A few days ago, Yamagata University of Japan announced that it would develop a new material that is usually as soft as rubber but will become as hard as plastic in the magnetic field.

The research group of Yamagata University in Japan added iron particles with a diameter of 3 μm to a polyurethane resin, and then used a permanent magnet to create a magnetic field of 300 milli- Tesla (magnetic induction unit). After a tenth of a second, the iron particles would be in a straight line. Arranged so that the rubber material also becomes hard. According to the strength of the magnetic field, the hardness of this new material can reach up to 180 times the original hardness compared with other similar materials that can only reach 3 times the original hardness. In addition, rubber cylinders with a diameter of 3.5 cm and a height of 5 cm manufactured using this technique are sufficiently rigid to withstand pressures over 8 tons. After removing the magnetic field for tens of seconds, this material can restore its original softness.

This material is expected to be used to make earthquake-resistant components, automotive cushioning materials, and functional furniture that can disperse body weight.

Magnetic Track System

The Magnetic Track System contains a variety of lights including Magnetic Grille Light, Magnetic Track Linear Lights, Magnetic Track Downlights. They can be combined freely in the magnetic track. You can choose your favorite styles to decorate your space.

There are mainly some accessories in this category, such as tracks, Connectors, Hanging ropes, ect. You can first go to the LED Magnetic Track Light System to select the style of the track lights you want, and then tell me your combination graphics, we will help you match these accessories.




LED Magnetic Track Light System is very suitable for display windows, exhibitions, exhibition halls, auto shows, museums, art galleries, living rooms and other places. Because magnetic track lights are safer than ordinary commercial track lights.

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